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部署OMO(電子商貿平台)的三個考慮因素  COVID-19 疫情對消費者購物和商家銷售方式產生了巨大影響。根據 Statista 的數據,預期2023年 eCommerce(電子商貿)的市場規模為3.58萬億美元,到2027年將達到5.47萬億美元(年增長率為11.19%)。隨著這一趨勢演進,eCommerce 的競爭也在不斷加劇。  在此大環境下,商家不可再完全倚靠單一渠道來拓展業務,相對地,習慣網購的消費者亦開始追求更個人化的產品訊息。因此整個生態就由以往強調 O2O (Online to Offline) 式的線上推廣線下購物轉變到今天追求 OMO (Online Merge Offline),OMO所強調的是無論線上或線下都可提供個人化及一體化的客戶體驗。  具備主動性的 onversation Commerce(對話式商務)成為一個熱門話題。而市場上亦有許多提供此類服務的選擇。Conversation Commerce 的目的不在於售後服務,而是超越實體店和 e-shop 去擴大業務。  對中小企業而言,部署 Conversation Commerce 需考慮三個關鍵因素。  首先,有效的 Customer Segmentation(客戶分割)能讓目標客戶區分有意義的推廣活動和 SPAM。清晰的客戶檔案,包括不具名的瀏覽資料、購買紀錄和交談查詢紀錄等,對於決定目標客群及製定推廣內容至關重要。此時,一個完整、易用的...

Rare Rare Limited

  • Company Background: Rare Rare is a retailer of premium watches and wine in Hong Kong, providing part of the luxurious lifestyles for its customers.
  • Challenges:
    • They received enquiries from eshop but those cannot be converted to prospect, if there was any updates to that enquiry, a considerable amount of time and effort was required to follow up to keep track of the sales journey 
    • Memberships at POS and eshop are discrete, not capturing the full benefit of leveraging memberships to grow business
  • Project Goals and Results: Our SUITE+ automatically converted enquiry to prospect, both efficiency and transparency are improved drastically within the team. Sales members can easily follow up or update customers without much effort required and can even keep track of sales journey easily at their fingertips. Membership is now unified at both POS and eshop, eliminated all the manual process to keep memberships from both sources up-to-date and giving customers full convenience at the same time.

