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Procurement Management

Procurement is never an easy and one-way process. Process-wise, from Purchase Request to compliant RFQ to PO and finally invoice and receipt to complete Procure-to-Pay process; Financial-wise, from Budget Allocation to various levels along company hierarchy and across types of spending (CapEx vs. OpEx); Compliant-wise, to ensure every step is under approval and comply with company policies. Managing procurement means managing costs, budgets, and, sometimes, business success.

Budget Control and Approval

  1. Budget allocation to customer-defined expense categories and functional departments
  2. Pre-set rule-based approval flows to ensure process compliance
  3. Up-to-date budget utilisation to ensure effective cost control 

Vendor Management

  1. Vendor onboarding with approvals
  2. Vendor credentials
  3. Preferred Vendors

Procurement Management

  1. Purchase Request by teams/individuals
  2. Compliant RFQ
  3. Purchase Order & receipt
  4. OCR-powered vendor bills and account payables creation (Hyperlink to OCR-powered Procure-to-Pay)

