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Is ERP only for enterprises? The 3 major misconceptions about ERP

  • Excerpt: Dear small and medium-sized business owners and startup company owners, you may have heard of these three English letters - ERP. However, as soon as you learn the full form of these three letters - Enterprise Resource Planning- you might intuitively think this system platform is irrelevant to your business. You may even believe that if your company doesn't have a hundred employees, you don't need to use ERP. Today, we would like to debunk the three major misconceptions about ERP so that you can better understand the ERP system and, more importantly, assess whether your own company truly needs ERP.
Dear small and medium-sized business owners and startup company owners, you may have heard of these three English letters - ERP. However, as soon as you learn the full form of these three letters - Enterprise Resource Planning- you might intuitively think this system platform is irrelevant to your business. You may even believe that if your company doesn't have a hundred employees, you don't need to use ERP. Today, we would like to debunk the three major misconceptions about ERP so that you can better understand the ERP system and, more importantly, assess whether your own company truly needs...

How to Choose an ERP System for Construction Engineering and Project Management?

  • Excerpt: No matter the size of the company, it is important to have an ERP system to manage the resources of the entire organization and maximize profits. In previous discussions, we have shared how to choose an ERP system for different industries, and it has been well-received. This time, let's delve into an industry that deals with a wealth of data and resources: Construction Engineering and Project Management.
No matter the size of the company, it is important to have an ERP system to manage the resources of the entire organization and maximize profits. In previous discussions, we have shared how to choose an ERP system for different industries, and it has been well-received. This time, let's delve into an industry that deals with a wealth of data and resources: Construction Engineering and Project Management.

後台系統如何配合Conversation Commerce (對話式商貿平台)

後台系統如何配合Conversation Commerce(對話式商貿平台)  Commerce 需要考慮收到客訂單後,如何快速有效地處理後台作業,這也是很多商家容易忽略的地方(畢竟已收到客戶的訂單和款項)。那麼為配合 Conversation Commerce 或 eCommerce,究竟後台有多少步驟要處理呢?  1. 前台和後台系統如何串接(integration)  要討論如何串接,就要先知道有什麼資料需要同步。每一張訂單皆涉及3種主要資訊:客戶、產品及價錢。而對應的就是商家的業務部、倉管部(或物流部)及會計部。Conversation Commerce 和 eCommerce 大多由市場推廣或業務部管理,那麼前台就要透過 Integration「告訴」後端營運部門每一張訂單的買主,整合貨物銷售及庫存狀況,及送貨安排。只有準確無誤地把貨物送到客戶手上才算完成交易,因此Integration就是首要處理的事項。  延伸閱讀:串接線上銷售平台要考慮的十個因素    2. 產品及庫存同步(synchronization)  這裡有很多組合的情況,例如商家是否銷售固定的產品、是否接受 pre-order 或 over-sell?屬於有形產品或是服務形產品(如某機構售賣的網上課程)?如何計算庫存量?交易頻率如何?這些因素都影響商家的運作流程,我們這裡先假設場境為銷售快速移動消費品(FMCG)。  首先,商家先決定在...

你的Conversation Commerce有效嗎?如何提升Conversation Commerce的轉化率

你的Conversation Commerce有效嗎?如何提升Conversation Commerce的轉化率  我們討論了建立對話式商貿平台的考慮及如何確保後台營運配合對話式商貿或電子商貿,達到真正盈利。 部署一套 business application (ie. ERP) 自然希望可賦能銷售 營運及盈利,但是,銷售紀錄 財務報表 等都是事實 即 lagging indicators。它們對於商家訂立長期政策仍然非常重要,但是,要在進入門檻極低的電子商貿突圍而出,我們商家需要訂立並監察 leading indicators 去及時監察檢討及調整每一個行銷方案。  因此,使用 Conversation Commerce 發掘生意的同時,對於如何及時獲得並分析數據,當中究竟哪些數據是重要哪些相對容易被忽略等等,對於一眾商家就尤為重要。  以下我們就集中討論哪些方面值得大家注意    1.轉整為零,建立銷售漏斗  Conversation Commerce 由廣播訊息為起點到客人回應/查詢到建議適合產品到最後交易,為一完整銷售流程。過程中涉及多次交流,當中或許時間跨度很長,或許當時客人並未有購買計劃,所以商家不應只針對一頭一尾計算客戶數量及訂單銀碼,而是要定立清晰的銷售漏斗(sales funnel)系統性地監察每一層的數據來確定每位客戶所處的狀態。一般的過程會包含 1)....

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